Bishop Andre L. Jackson, Founder

Bishop Andre L. Jackson - Founder

Bishop Andre L Jackson, Founder


Bishop André L. Jackson, since November 1993, served as the illustrious and esteemed founder and pastor of the New Vision Baptist Church at the Cathedral of East Orange, New Jersey, where he led and fed the flock of God toward their spiritual wholeness and divine purpose, by advancing the ideals of the gospel and sharing the love of Christ. He worked towards developing disciples for social engagement and responsibility in the surrounding community, both locally and globally. Bishop Jackson used Luke 4:18 as his ministry model of Liberation, Restoration, Healing, and Empowerment.

As a preacher, Bishop Jackson was most noted for his ability to unfold scripture in such a way that its relevance to our contemporary reality is obvious. His preaching was been described as “theologically sound, homiletically, and hermeneutically proficient, and charismatically appealing.”

In addition to pastoral ministry, as a former educator and advocate for quality education, Bishop Jackson also served as an Educational Consultant and Youth Development Specialist, assisting the high school and college student population in pursuit and achievement of their educational goals by way of academic advisement, mentoring, coaching and consultation.

Bishop Jackson held an Associate of Arts (AA) Degree in Liberal Arts from County College of Morris, Randolph, New Jersey, a Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree in Religion Studies from Montclair State University, Upper Montclair, New Jersey, with a dual concentrated minor in Psychology, and African-American Studies, and has matriculated in graduate studies at Regent University School of Divinity, Virginia Beach, working towards the Master of Arts (MA) in Practical Theology.

His additional studies include Oxford University, Oxford England, The Milano Graduate School of New School University in New York City, Hartford Seminary, Hartford, CT, and Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, NJ, where he is a distinguished Fellow of The Black Theological Leadership Institute.

A native of Montclair, New Jersey, Bishop Jackson attended Montclair Public Schools and received his early Christian training at the Bright Hope Baptist Church, where he began his public ministry at the early age of 13. In November of 1990, Bishop Jackson was called as Pastor of the Beulah Baptist Church of Newark, New Jersey, where he served for three years.

Bishop Jackson holds ordination within both the Holiness and the Baptist faith traditions and was duly consecrated to the sacred and holy office of “Bishop” in our Lord’s Church, (1996) under the auspices of the Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship ~ Worldwide by the hand of Bishop Paul S. Morton, Presiding Bishop, where he faithfully served as State Bishop of Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowership (FGBCF) of New Jersey for almost 17 years.

Bishop Jackson additionally held several civic, community, educational, and religious affiliations, and offices; always endeavoring to serve this present age, his calling to fulfill. He dedicated his ministry to the memory of his late grandmother, Sis. Louise Jackson Logan, whose deep love and abiding faith have been an inspiration forever instilled.

“I will continue to engage us in becoming a more fully diverse church, spreading the gospel among all sorts and conditions of people, and wholeheartedly devoted to God’s vision of a healed and restored creation.”

~ Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori ~