We believe in One God eternally existent in Three Persons – God the Father, God the Son, & God the Holy Spirit.
We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten of the Father, conceived of the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Mary, and that He is True God and True Man, and is a sufficient Mediator between God and humankind.
We believe in the Person of the Holy Spirit, and that His ministry is to reveal Christ to humanity in the regeneration and sanctification of their souls, and that He indwells all believers for effective witness and service.
We believe that the Bible, composed of Old and New Testaments, is the inspired Word of (about) God and is regarded as sacred scripture with supreme significance in faith and life. As ‘inspired’ this inspiration is neither in the physical text itself nor in single writers, but in the message of Scripture, what it tells us about God, about ourselves, and about how we relate to God. Scripture is the witness that the community of faith has borne to or about revelation. In other words, God is the content of the revelation, and Scripture tells us about, and points us toward that revelation, as, for example, when the Gospels writers bear witness of the things they have seen and heard (Luke 1:1-4; cf. 7:22; John 21:24-25; cf. 3:32). Scripture itself, however, is revelatory only in the secondary or derivative sense that it is a witness and response to God’s revelation. The Bible contains not only reports about specific revelatory events such as the exodus, the incarnation, or the resurrection, but it also contains the communities’ response to those events, and how the Communities of Faith worked out the implications of their encounters with God in doctrinal, social, ethical, and cultural ways.
We believe that humankind is created in the image of God, and as divinely created beings, we are prone to the “original goodness” of God’s creative genius.
We believe in the vicarious death of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins, in the resurrection of His body, His ascension into Heaven, and His personal and visible future return to the earth, and that salvation is received through personal faith in Him.
We believe that baptism is by immersion of a believer in water, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; setting forth the essential truths of redemption: the death and resurrection of Christ, signifying the believer’s death to sin and resurrection to newness of life.
We believe the Lord’s Supper is a communal rite of fellowship and witness, commemorating the Lord’s death until He comes, to be experienced by all believers in obedience to the example as set forth by our Lord Jesus Christ and the Early Church.
We believe that the New Testament Church is a relevant, radical, and totally inclusive body of baptized believers associated for worship, service, the proclamation of the Gospel, and the promoting of God’s Kingdom (reign) in all the world.
Sunday School – 9:00am (ET)
(In-Person and Facebook LIVE)
Sunday Morning Worship – 10:00am (ET)
(In-Person and Facebook LIVE)
Truth for Life Bible Study -Tuesdays – 7:00pm (ET) (Facebook LIVE)
© New Vision Baptist Church 2025